Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Work, work

Since I have last posted about work, I have worked a handful of contracts:  the Miami International Film Festival (twice! 2010 and 2011), Music from the Crooked Road: Mountain Music of Virginia Spring 2010 Tour, Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, and the MTV National Get Schooled tour they asked me not to post my affiliation with publicly (but hey, it's been a little while?).  Then I went back to the NCTA and witnessed the start of a new National Folk Festival in Nashville, TN.  It's been a busy two years!

I have realized it's difficult to write about relevant issues in the arts management world at the organizations you work, without compromising the privacy of internal affairs, or integrity of external reputation, even if your goal is to comment from the perspective of professional, objective observer rather than employee.  While I always have commentary in my head about how a place is run, I'm not confident it's my place to make it public.  And in some places, it's against my contract, as I've been asked to sign agreements prohibiting any unapproved, public self-publishing about the organization.

At any rate, I would like to continue blogging.  (Is there anyone still out there reading?)  It will have to focus more on design, aesthetic, and notes from the road.  I miss grad school dearly and though I am working in my field, am afraid my arts administration knowledge is waning from its peak.  Do all former students experience this?

Photo is taken from the back of a friend's motorcycle, as we drove past the Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival sign, on the way to swim in a pond on a day off.  The Berkshires were sure a glorious place to work and spend a summer.


Matt Daniels said...

I'm reading! keeping blogging!

Sarah Roffman said...

Thanks, Matt! Made my day.